The Brick House in Čtyřkoly

Key Perspective - Image by Jan Drška
Key perspective - image by jan drška


The Brick House


Place: Čtyřkoly, Czech Republic
Type: Design study
Size: Plot Area: 920 Sqm., Gross Floor Area: 230 Sqm.
Client: Private
Team: COLLARCH, Ondřej Janků


Simple, compact and cubic, the volume of the family house is set in the sloping terrain of a garden, which in its desolate romantic wildness, stands in contrast to the exact design of the house. The grey brick facade is cut through by deep steel window frames which enhance the sculptural volume. The house is a sculpture in the garden. The garage door is in the same material as the window frames, but is, at the same time a decorative element of the main entrance facade. The garage door lamellae is reminiscent of Zdeňek Sýkora’s painting “Black & White structure” from year 1965.

The slope allows for the house to be entered on two levels, from the street and from the garden.

The backbone of the floor plan is a spacious staircase leading to the roof terrace from where there is an amazing view towards the garden and surrounding valley. All the other parts of the house are adjacent to the staircase are divided by their function in four different levels: garage, workshop and technical room on the ground floor; living room, dining room & kitchen on the first floor; master bedroom and children bedrooms on the second floor; and the roof terrace for recreation. The interior is designed in neutral grey tones of brick, cast concrete floor, steel window frames and built-in furniture. The coloring and coziness of the housen comes with the inhabitants, who bring their favorite furniture, carpets and other interior complements.

First Floor: 1 - main entrance, 3 - Technical room, 4 - Garage & workshop
Second Floor: 2 - Garden Entrance, 5 - Dining & living area, 6 - kitchen, 7 - WC/Bathroom, 8 - Cloak room


3rd floor, roof
Third floor:  - 9 - Storage, 10 - WC/Bathroom, 11 - bedroom, 12 - master bedroom
Roof: 13 - Roof Terrace


Living & dining area - Image by Jan Drška
Living & dining area - Image by Jan Drška


The Brick House - Site Plan
Site Plan & garden


South-West and south-east elevation


The Brick House - Garage Door
Garage Door - Image by Jan Drška


The Brick House - Zdeněk Sýkora
Fragment of Zdeněk Sýkora´s Black-white Structure, 1965


The Brick House - Garden view
View from the garden - Image by Jan Drška



Section and North-east elevation