Private apartment in Hostivař

Rekonstrukce bytu v Hostivari
Lounge area in the living room


Private apartment in Hostivař


Place: Prague, Czech Republic
Type: interior design
Size: Gross Internal Floor Area: 90 Sqm.
Client: Private
Team: COLLARCH - Ondřej Janků, Veronika Kommová, Kasimir Suter Winter


The project's task was to create a spacious living room with kitchen for a young couple and to prepare the apartment for future comfort living with children. A south-oriented living room with a loggia facing the street is a great advantage. Existing bedrooms and kitchen are facing a calm courtyard on the northern side of the apartment. On one hand, the prefabricated concrete structure of the house including an internal load-bearing wall is substantially determining the internal division of the apartment, but on the other hand it allows for a free partition arrangement.

The design thus focused on improvement and maximal use of both loggias which extend the apartment's floor space. In living room, the window is maximised and contains a large sliding door. This allows for a a smooth transition between inner and outer space, which is enhanced by a continuous wooden floor turning into a bench in interior. The lounge area in the interior is united with the outer relax space on the wooden terrace.


Hostivar pred rekonstrukci
Before Reconstruction
Hostivar po rekonstrukci
after reconstruction

1 - hall 6 m2, 2 - living area 30 m2, 3 - loggia 5 m2, 4 - cloakroom 9 m2, 
5 - study / child's bedroom 10 m2, 6 - guest room / child's bedroom 10 m2, 7 - loggia 4 m2, 8 - master bedroom 17 m2, 9 - bathroom 4 m2, 10 - toilet 2 m2, 11 - pantry 3 m2


The living area, master bedroom and serving spaces are fixed, while the child's bedroom area is flexible in order to allow for various uses - one large room, two connected or separated rooms (either for children, guests or work places for both parents). The dividing partition between both rooms is light, equipped with sliding door and can be easily removed when needed.

To enhance the feeling of continuous inner space, the apartment gets a "loop". The customised built-in furniture creates a spacious cloak room merged with a library and kitchen. A lack of daylight in the middle part is solved by milked glazed doors leading to the bedrooms.


Obyvaci prostor
Living space connected with loggia


In the living room, we leave the stand-alone furniture arrangement up to the family - the couch, table and seats can be rearranged in a home-cinema setting, family celebration setting or just left free to create a spacious playground for children. At the same time, we reserve some space for indoor plants, which are a loved and unforgettable part of the couple's current living room. The plants are arranged above each other on a wall to save valuable floor space, to allow for easy watering and to create a customised interior element.

The design proposes a desaturated colour scheme which emphasises soft structures of wood, plaster and screed. A continuous wooden floor running from loggia through living space up to the bedrooms gives a natural warmth to the whole inner space. The hall and serving spaces are united by seamless and easy-to-maintain screed flooring which passes onto the bathroom's walls as well.


Hostivar axo 2
Axonometry - a South-east view
Hostivar axo 1
axonometry - a north-west view


Obyvaci prostor
the kitchen corner with library